PinnedThe Mental Mean Girlssay goodbye to negative self-talk and hello to happinessMar 12, 2023Mar 12, 2023
PinnedSome Happy Scribbles…“It’s amazing how much happier this good weather makes me feel,” Jim said while getting ready to leave for work yesterday morning.May 13, 2022306May 13, 2022306
PinnedSome Happy Scribbles…If it wasn’t already clear that I am firmly ensconced in middle age, my new procrastination pastime of admiring the birds that have taken…May 6, 2022211May 6, 2022211
The Easiest Way To Become More ProductiveFeel like you never get enough done? That your to-do list seems to grow like a weed, and days disappear in a blur? That you can’t find the…Mar 3, 202315Mar 3, 202315
What I Learned From 108 Self Help Books and 1 Midlife CrisisThe Secret is: Simply Tell the Truth.Jul 6, 20212453Jul 6, 20212453
Published inMoms Don’t Have Time to Write5 Books to Inspire Moms Who Don’t Have Time to WriteI realized that if I kept delaying the things I wanted to do, I might never do themMay 12, 20212523May 12, 20212523